Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact
- Sustainability
- Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact
Measures to reduce energy use
Efforts to Reduce CO2 Emissions
We would like to inform that Yamaichi Electronics group aims to reduce CO2 emission by 40% in 2030, compared to the basic unit per consolidated sales revenue of the fiscal year 2021. We will also try to meet carbon neutrality in 2050.
*Our CO2 emissions intensity is the CO2 emissions per consolidated sales revenue.
Actual result of CO2 emissions per unit in 2021: 0.36t/million yen
For more details, please visit: https://www.yamaichi.co.jp/en/sustainability/tcfd/
Metric tons per unit of sales
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | Unit | |
Metric tons per unit of sales (Scope1+2) |
0.36 | 0.29 | 0.34 | t-CO2/million yen |
Consolidated past performance data
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | Unit | |
Gasoline | 62,549 | 72,718 | 76,750 | L |
City gas | 852,603 | 533,093 | 108,319 | m3 |
LP gas | 329 | 418 | 365 | m3 |
Kerosene | 13,937 | 13,197 | 11,591 | L |
Diesel fuel | 58,383 | 58,048 | 54,830 | L |
Consolidated CO2 emissions from energy sources
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | Unit | |
Scope1 CO2 | 1,624 | 1,161 | 506 | t-CO2 |
Consolidated past performance data
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | Unit | |
Electricity | 23,510,267 | 22,802,568 | 22,076,459 | kWh |
Consolidated CO2 emissions from electricity consumption
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | Unit | |
Scope2 CO2 | 12,764 | 12,342 | 12,012 | t-CO2 |
Environmental Response
Reducing approximately 350 tons of CO2 emissions per year through the use of renewable energy
In 2020, we introduced solar panels and sodium-sulfur (NaS) batteries to the production lines at the Sakura Factory (Chiba Prefecture) to prevent power outages caused by typhoons and other natural disasters from interrupting the power supply. By using solar power generation during the day, using discharged power from the NaS batteries at night, and effectively utilizing the power charged in the NaS batteries during low load periods on holidays, we have reduced the amount of electricity used. With this system, the share of renewable energy in the power consumption of the Sakura Factory is now around 20%. The factory reduces CO2 emissions by about 350 tons per year.
The factory also signed an Agreement on the Temporary Use of Facilities in the Event of a Disaster with the city of Sakura, Chiba Prefecture, and has been certified as a regional disaster evacuation center that provides electricity and use of parking lots.
Sakura Factory
Environmental response, BCP response, and use as a local disaster shelter
Solar panels: 445 W × 1,530 panels
NaS battery system
Capacity: 2,400 kWh
Output: 400 kW
Past & Future Steps
- 1997/5
Started 3R-Activities (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
- 1997/9
Montreal Protocol adopted
- 1997/12
Kyoto Protocol adopted
- 1998/4
Started ISO14001-based environmental activities
- 1998/9
Stopped the use of plastics containing particular bromine flame retarder
- 1998/11
ISO14001 certified (Headquarters, Sakura, and Oita offices)
- 2000/11
ISO14001 certified (Matty Co., Ltd. and 5 branches/offices in Japan)
- 2001/5
Issued Green Procurement Guideline (YS Regulations 1st Edition)
- 2003/7
ELV effective
- 2003/11
Certified by Sony Corporation as Green Partner
- 2004/6
Started activities to eliminate RoHS 6
- 2004/8
Reinforcement of the practice of Green Procurement Guideline (YS Regulations 6th Edition)
- 2004/12
ISO14001 certified (Yamaichi Electronics Shenzehn Ltd.)
- 2005/2
ISO14001 certified (Pricon Microelectronics Inc.)
Kyoto Protocol effective
- 2006/7
RoHS effective
- 2008/12
ISO14001 certified (Suwa and Okayama Branch Office)
- 2011/6
Rooftop Gardening and Green Curtains at headquarters
- 2011/7
Photovoltaic system(30kw) at Sakura Factory
- 2015/9
ISO14001 certified (Yamaichi Electronics Deutschland Manufacturing GmbH)
- 2020/10
Photovoltaic system(500 kw) and NAS battery was added to the Sakura Factory
Green Procurement
Yamaichi Electronics Group complies with environmental laws,
procures materials and components with minimal environmental impact and provides environment-friendly products for our customers.