Yamaichi’s Sustainability
- Sustainability
- Yamaichi’s Sustainability
Basic Sustainability Policy
Leveraging the dynamic technological capabilities and imaginative powers developed since its founding, the Yamaichi Electronics Group has always responded to the current requirements of its customers. Moving forward, we will further broaden our commitment to sustainability as we collaborate with stakeholders to establish sustainable societies and build a better future.
In pursuit of these goals, we will apply the principles of our management philosophy (“People: Our most Important Assets”, “Create Value”, “Commitment to Quality”, “Technology Innovation Makes a Difference” and “Contribution to Communities and the Environment”) to create a beneficial, self-perpetuating, and social value creating cycle through which we enhance the economic values of our products by providing technologies that facilitate the resolution of social issues.
Yamaichi Electronics Group will continue contributing to a sustainable future by ambitiously establishing strong connections between people, companies, society, and the Earth.
Sustainability Promotion System
In March 2023, we established the Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the President.
The Sustainability Committee deliberates on issues such as tackling climate change, and the committee has a system for reporting its decisions to the Board of Directors.
In order to manage whether we are steadily fulfilling our targets, the Sustainability Committee will play a central role in working toward achieving these targets when there is a discrepancy between targets and actual values, or when there is room for improvement.
Sustainability Management
Through our Test Solution Business, Connector Solution Business, and Optical-related Business, we aim to integrate financial and non-financial strategies by contributing to solving social issues and conducting corporate activities based on ESG. The Sustainability Committee will play a central role in setting targets and indicators for materiality (priority issues).
- Six capitals
The Yamaichi Electronics Group has grown by recognizing changes and needs in society and contributing to the solution of social issues.
With flexible ideas and technical capabilities since our founding, we are committed to strategically utilizing and enhancing our capital for further value creation.-
Financial capital
Our group is implementing a growth strategy and structural reform. While maintaining a healthy financial structure, we strengthen our management foundation, enabling appropriate resource allocation to growth areas and profit distribution.
Human capital
Our group embraces “People: Our Most Important Assets” as one of its core management philosophies. We aim to share the growth of the company and the happiness of individuals by strengthening the alignment of our business strategy with our human resource strategy.
Manufacturing capital
We have worked on the internalization of precision processing technology and improvement of technical capabilities, as well as increasing production. We will continue to pursue advanced and efficient production, remaining a trusted company by our customers.
Social relationship capital
We cooperate with domestic and overseas group companies and partners to keep pace with technological innovations. We will continue to deliver our products to customers around the world, contributing to the advancement of the electronics industry and the solution of social issues.
Intellectual capital
Our group’s history began with the manufacture and sale of vacuum tube sockets. We will continue to challenge the creation and innovation of technology, providing products and services that lead to the future.
Natural capital
We aim to integrate financial and non-financial strategies, committing ourselves to sustainability management. We contribute to the realization of a recyclable society by reducing the environmental impact of our business activities.
- Our materiality
- ・Contributing to social issues through our business
- ・Initiatives to reduce environmental impact
- ・Human resources management
- ・Strengthening governance
- Significant efforts to address social issues through our business
- ・Telecommunications
We will contribute to the development of high-speed, high-capacity and energy-efficient networks and social infrastructures by promoting digitalization. - ・Automotive
We will contribute to the realization of a safe and clean automotive society and the development of new mobility cities. - ・Industrial equipment
We will contribute to the development of automation technology and control systems that respond to the changing demographics of the workforce, and to the advancement of the Internet of Things.
- ・Telecommunications